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Mangools vs SE Ranking 2023 – Which is the Best SEO Tools?

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  • Post last modified:10/03/2023


Mangools vs SE Ranking—two heavyweights in the SEO tool arena, but which one truly stands out? In today’s post, we’ll dive deep into a head-to-head comparison of these popular platforms. Whether you’re a seasoned SEO professional or just starting out, this comprehensive review will provide insights to help you make an informed decision. From features and pricing to user experience and support, we’ve got it all covered. Let’s embark on this comparative journey!

Quick Comparison: Mangools vs SE Ranking

In the vast landscape of SEO tools, both Mangools and SE Ranking have made significant marks. But how do they stack up against each other at a glance? Here’s a swift breakdown of the two platforms:


  • Simplicity: Known for its user-friendly interface and straightforward tools.
  • Specialized Tools: Offers distinct tools like KWFinder, SERPChecker, and LinkMiner, each tailored for specific SEO tasks.
  • Visual Data: Presents data in an easily digestible, graphical manner, making it ideal for quick insights.
  • Pricing: Competitive pricing with clear tiered plans catering to different user needs.

Image: Mangools keyword finder page

SE Ranking:

  • Comprehensive Suite: Provides a wide array of features, from rank tracking to website audits, all under one roof.
  • Customization: Allows users to tailor their dashboard and reports, offering a personalized experience.
  • Integration & Flexibility: Offers more third-party integrations and a flexible pricing model based on user requirements.
  • Depth of Analysis: Caters to both beginners and seasoned SEO professionals with its detailed insights and data granularity.

Image: SE Ranking keyword finder page

In this “Quick Comparison: Mangools vs SE Ranking”, it’s evident that while both tools offer robust SEO solutions, they cater to slightly different audiences. Mangools is the go-to for those seeking simplicity and quick insights, whereas SE Ranking is tailored for users who desire depth, customization, and a comprehensive toolset.

Features: Mangools vs SE Ranking

When selecting an SEO tool, the range and depth of features play a pivotal role. Both Mangools and SE Ranking come packed with features, but how do they compare? Let’s dive into the key functionalities of each platform.


  • KWFinder: A dedicated tool for keyword research, it provides keyword suggestions, search volumes, and difficulty scores.
  • SERPChecker: Analyzes the search engine results page (SERP) for specific keywords, offering insights into competitors and ranking factors.
  • LinkMiner: A backlink analysis tool that helps users identify and evaluate backlink opportunities.
  • SERPWatcher: Tracks keyword rankings over time, providing insights into visibility, traffic, and position changes.
  • SiteProfiler: Offers an overview of a website’s authority, backlink profile, and key metrics.

SE Ranking:

  • Keyword Rank Tracker: Monitors keyword rankings across different search engines and regions.
  • Website Audit: Analyzes websites for technical SEO issues and provides actionable recommendations.
  • Backlink Checker: Evaluates a site’s backlink profile, identifying both beneficial and potentially harmful links.
  • On-Page Checker: Assesses individual pages for SEO optimization, suggesting improvements.
  • Competitor Research: Provides insights into competitors’ strategies, from keywords to backlinks.
  • Keyword Suggestion Tool: Offers keyword ideas based on user queries, considering search volume and competition.

In the “Features: Mangools vs SE Ranking” comparison, both platforms showcase a robust set of tools tailored for SEO. While Mangools offers specialized tools for each function, SE Ranking provides a more integrated, all-in-one platform. The choice between the two will hinge on user preferences, whether they value specialized tools or a comprehensive suite under one roof.

User Interface & Ease of Use: Mangools vs SE Ranking

The user interface and ease of use play a pivotal role in determining the efficiency and effectiveness of any SEO tool. A well-designed interface can significantly enhance the user experience, making complex tasks simpler. Let’s compare the user interfaces and usability of Mangools and SE Ranking.

Mangools: Mangools is often lauded for its clean, intuitive, and visually appealing interface. Each of its tools, from KWFinder to SiteProfiler, boasts a consistent design language, making it easy for users to switch between tools without a learning curve. The straightforward layout, combined with vibrant color schemes, ensures that users can quickly identify and access the features they need. Tooltips and guides are also integrated, assisting beginners in navigating the platform.

SE Ranking: SE Ranking offers a comprehensive dashboard that provides a snapshot of all your SEO activities. While it packs a plethora of features, the tool ensures that the interface remains uncluttered. The sidebar menu categorizes functions neatly, allowing users to delve into specific tasks like rank tracking or backlink analysis with ease. The platform also offers customizable widgets, enabling users to tailor the dashboard to their preferences. For those unfamiliar with certain features, SE Ranking provides helpful tutorials and walkthroughs.

In the “User Interface & Ease of Use: Mangools vs SE Ranking” showdown, both tools prioritize user experience, albeit with different design philosophies. Mangools leans towards a vibrant and specialized toolset approach, while SE Ranking focuses on a comprehensive, all-in-one platform with customization options. The choice between the two will largely depend on individual preferences and the specific tasks users aim to accomplish.

Keyword Research Capabilities: Mangools vs SE Ranking

Keyword research is the cornerstone of any successful SEO strategy. It’s the process of identifying the terms that potential customers use to search for products or services. Both Mangools and SE Ranking offer tools for this crucial task, but how do they compare?

Mangools: Mangools’ primary tool for keyword research is KWFinder. It’s designed to help users find long-tail keywords with low SEO difficulty. With KWFinder, you can:

  • Discover keyword suggestions based on a seed keyword.
  • View historical search volume trends.
  • Analyze the difficulty score of a keyword, helping users target terms they can realistically rank for.
  • Get insights into the top-ranking pages for a particular keyword, including their backlink profile and social signals.

SE Ranking: SE Ranking’s keyword research tool provides a comprehensive analysis of keywords and their variations. With this tool, users can:

  • Generate keyword suggestions based on a seed term.
  • Understand keyword difficulty and competition.
  • View search volume data, both current and historical.
  • Analyze the cost per click (CPC) and potential ad revenue for keywords, which is especially useful for PPC campaigns.
  • Get a list of related keywords and questions people ask, providing a broader view of potential content topics.

In the “Keyword Research Capabilities: Mangools vs SE Ranking” comparison, both tools offer robust solutions. While Mangools’ KWFinder focuses on simplicity and finding low-competition keywords, SE Ranking provides a more comprehensive view, including PPC data and related search queries. The best choice will depend on the depth of research required and the user’s specific needs.

Backlinks, or inbound links from other websites, play a crucial role in SEO. They act as “votes of confidence” for your site and can significantly impact search rankings. Analyzing your backlink profile and that of your competitors is essential for any SEO strategy. Let’s see how Mangools and SE Ranking fare in this domain.

Mangools: Mangools offers LinkMiner for backlink analysis. This tool is designed to help users:

  • Explore the backlink profile of any website or specific webpage.
  • Understand the Citation Flow and Trust Flow of linking domains, metrics that indicate the quality and trustworthiness of backlinks.
  • View the historical trend of backlinks gained or lost over time.
  • Analyze the anchor text distribution to understand how others are linking to the analyzed site.
  • Filter backlinks by type, such as dofollow, nofollow, deleted, and new.

SE Ranking: SE Ranking provides a comprehensive backlink checker that allows users to:

  • Dive deep into a website’s backlink profile, including both referring domains and individual backlinks.
  • Evaluate the authority and trustworthiness of linking domains.
  • Understand the anchor text distribution across backlinks.
  • Monitor backlinks for changes, such as when they are added or removed.
  • Analyze competitors’ backlink strategies to uncover potential link-building opportunities.

Images:SE Ranking referring domain screenshot

  1. Screenshots: Capture and include screenshots of the backlink analysis interface for both Mangools (LinkMiner) and SE Ranking. This provides readers with a visual sense of the tools’ capabilities.
  2. Data Visualizations: Graphs or charts that depict backlink trends, distribution of link types, or other relevant metrics can be insightful.
  3. Feature Highlights: Use zoomed-in screenshots or annotations to emphasize specific features or data points, such as filters, anchor text distribution, or domain authority metrics.

In the “Backlink Analysis: Mangools vs SE Ranking” comparison, both tools offer robust solutions for understanding and monitoring backlink profiles. Mangools’ LinkMiner provides a straightforward and user-friendly approach, while SE Ranking offers a more in-depth analysis with additional competitor insights. The choice between the two will hinge on the user’s specific requirements and the depth of analysis they seek.

Rank Tracking: Mangools vs SE Ranking

Rank tracking, the process of monitoring how your website performs in search engines for specific keywords, is fundamental for gauging the success of your SEO efforts. Both Mangools and SE Ranking offer solutions in this area, but how do they stack up against each other?

Mangools: Mangools provides SERPWatcher for rank tracking. With SERPWatcher, users can:

  • Monitor keyword rankings across multiple search engines and locations.
  • View daily rank updates to stay on top of any changes.
  • Access a “Dominance Index” that gives an overview of your website’s overall performance in the SERPs.
  • Receive alerts for significant rank changes, ensuring you’re always informed.
  • Analyze desktop vs. mobile rankings, crucial in today’s mobile-first indexing era.

SE Ranking: SE Ranking’s rank tracking tool is comprehensive and offers:

  • Daily updates on keyword rankings across various search engines and geographies.
  • A visibility score that indicates how visible your website is in the SERPs for your tracked keywords.
  • The ability to group keywords by tags, making it easier to analyze specific campaigns or topics.
  • Detailed reports that can be scheduled and sent directly to your inbox.
  • Insights into featured snippets, local pack listings, and other SERP features your website appears in.

In the “Rank Tracking: Mangools vs SE Ranking” face-off, both tools excel in providing accurate and timely rank tracking data. While Mangools’ SERPWatcher offers a streamlined and user-centric approach, SE Ranking provides a more granular analysis with additional reporting features. The optimal choice will depend on the user’s specific needs, whether they prefer a straightforward overview or a deep dive into rank tracking data.

Reporting & Dashboards: Mangools vs SE Ranking

Effective SEO tools not only provide valuable insights but also present them in a manner that’s easy to understand and share. Reporting and dashboards are crucial for summarizing data, tracking progress, and communicating results to stakeholders. Let’s see how Mangools and SE Ranking approach this aspect.

Mangools: Mangools offers a cohesive and visually appealing dashboard across all its tools. With Mangools, users can:

  • Access a centralized dashboard in SERPWatcher that provides an overview of keyword rankings, changes, and the Dominance Index.
  • Generate and export reports in various formats, making it easy to share insights with clients or team members.
  • Customize reports by selecting specific data points or time frames.
  • Utilize visually appealing charts and graphs that simplify complex data, making it more digestible.

SE Ranking: SE Ranking’s dashboard and reporting capabilities are both comprehensive and customizable. With SE Ranking, users can:

  • Access a detailed dashboard that provides an overview of all SEO activities, from rank tracking to backlink analysis.
  • Customize the dashboard with widgets to highlight the most relevant data points.
  • Schedule automated reports to be sent directly to your inbox or to clients at specified intervals.
  • Export reports in various formats, complete with white-labeling options for agencies.
  • Dive deep into specific data points with interactive charts and graphs that offer a granular view of SEO metrics.

In the “Reporting & Dashboards: Mangools vs SE Ranking” comparison, both tools prioritize presenting data in a clear and actionable manner. Mangools offers a streamlined and visually appealing approach, while SE Ranking provides more depth and customization options. The choice between the two will depend on the user’s reporting needs, whether they require simple overviews or detailed, customizable reports.

Integration & API: Mangools vs SE Ranking

In today’s interconnected digital landscape, the ability of an SEO tool to integrate with other platforms and offer API access can greatly enhance its utility. Integration ensures seamless data flow between tools, while API access allows for custom data extraction and tool development. Let’s examine how Mangools and SE Ranking fare in this domain.

Mangools: Mangools provides an API that allows users to access data from their suite of tools. With the Mangools API, users can:

  • Extract keyword data, including search volumes, trends, and difficulty scores.
  • Access backlink data, including referring domains and anchor texts.
  • Integrate Mangools data into custom applications, dashboards, or tools.
  • While Mangools doesn’t offer a wide range of third-party integrations, its API provides flexibility for those who wish to create custom solutions.

SE Ranking: SE Ranking offers both integration options and an API. With SE Ranking, users can:

  • Integrate with platforms like Google Analytics and Google Search Console, allowing for a consolidated view of website performance.
  • Access the SE Ranking API to pull data related to rankings, website audits, and backlink analysis.
  • Develop custom applications or tools using the API to tailor the data to specific needs.
  • Benefit from regular updates and enhancements to the API, ensuring compatibility and access to the latest features.

In the “Integration & API: Mangools vs SE Ranking” comparison, SE Ranking takes a slight edge with its broader integration options and robust API. However, Mangools’ API offers a straightforward way to access its suite of tools’ data, catering to developers and businesses with custom needs. The optimal choice will hinge on the specific integration requirements and how users intend to utilize the data outside of the platform.

Customer Support: Mangools vs SE Ranking

In the world of SEO tools, having robust features is essential, but equally crucial is the quality of customer support. Effective support ensures that users can make the most of the tool, resolve issues promptly, and get answers to their queries. Let’s delve into the customer support offerings of Mangools and SE Ranking.

Mangools: Mangools is known for its responsive and helpful customer support. Users can expect:

  • Live Chat: A quick way to get answers to queries or resolve minor issues in real-time.
  • Knowledge Base: An extensive collection of articles, tutorials, and FAQs that guide users through the platform’s features.
  • Email Support: For more complex queries or issues, users can reach out via email and expect timely responses.
  • Community Engagement: Mangools often engages with its user community through webinars, feedback sessions, and updates.

SE Ranking: SE Ranking prides itself on offering comprehensive support to its users. Their support includes:

  • 24/7 Live Chat: Ensuring that users from all time zones can get assistance when they need it.
  • Detailed Documentation: A thorough repository of articles, guides, and how-tos that cover every aspect of the platform.
  • Email and Ticketing System: For in-depth queries or technical issues, users can raise tickets and expect detailed solutions.
  • Training Sessions: SE Ranking offers training sessions and demos, especially beneficial for new users or businesses to understand the platform’s full potential.

In the “Customer Support: Mangools vs SE Ranking” comparison, both tools prioritize user assistance and ensure that users have the resources they need. While Mangools offers a more community-centric approach, SE Ranking provides round-the-clock support and extensive training. The choice between the two will depend on individual preferences and the type of support users value most.

Personal Experience: Mangools vs SE Ranking (H2)

Choosing an SEO tool often goes beyond features and pricing; personal experience plays a significant role. The ease of use, learning curve, and overall satisfaction can greatly influence a user’s preference. Here’s a comparative look at the personal experience with Mangools and SE Ranking.

Mangools: From the moment you sign up for Mangools, the platform welcomes you with its clean and intuitive interface. The distinct tools, such as KWFinder and LinkMiner, are designed with simplicity in mind, making it easy even for SEO beginners to get started. The visual appeal of the dashboards, combined with clear data representation, ensures that users don’t feel overwhelmed. The platform’s responsiveness and speed are commendable, ensuring tasks like keyword research or backlink analysis are swift and hassle-free.

SE Ranking: SE Ranking offers a more comprehensive suite, and while it packs a plethora of features, it doesn’t compromise on user experience. The initial setup guides users through the platform’s capabilities, ensuring they’re well-acquainted from the get-go. The customizable dashboard is a standout, allowing users to tailor their view to their preferences. While there’s a steeper learning curve compared to Mangools, the depth and breadth of features make it worth the effort. The platform’s versatility caters to both beginners and seasoned SEO professionals.

In the “Personal Experience: Mangools vs SE Ranking” face-off, both tools prioritize user satisfaction. Mangools shines with its simplicity and straightforward approach, while SE Ranking impresses with its depth and customization options. The best choice will hinge on individual preferences, whether users value ease of use or a comprehensive feature set.

Pricing: Mangools vs SE Ranking

Budget often plays a pivotal role when selecting an SEO tool. Both Mangools and SE Ranking offer a range of pricing plans to cater to different needs. Let’s break down the pricing structures of both platforms to see which offers better value for money.

Mangools: Mangools offers a tiered pricing structure, with plans designed to cater to individuals, businesses, and agencies. Here’s a general overview:

  • Basic Plan: Ideal for freelancers or startups, this plan offers a limited number of keyword lookups, tracked keywords, and backlink rows per day.
  • Premium Plan: Suitable for growing businesses, it offers more lookups, tracked keywords, and backlink rows, along with simultaneous logins.
  • Agency Plan: Designed for large agencies or businesses, this plan provides the highest limits and allows for multiple simultaneous logins.

All plans come with access to all Mangools tools, including KWFinder, SERPChecker, and LinkMiner.

Images:pricing chart of Mangools

SE Ranking: SE Ranking’s pricing is more flexible, with costs varying based on the number of keywords you wish to track and the frequency of rank checks. Here’s a snapshot:

  • Optimum Plan: Designed for website owners and beginners, this plan offers essential tools with limits on keyword rankings and website audits.
  • Plus Plan: Aimed at growing businesses and SEO professionals, it offers more features, including white-label reports and API access.
  • Enterprise Plan: Tailored for agencies and large businesses, this plan provides the maximum features and limits.

SE Ranking also offers additional tools and features as add-ons, allowing users to customize their package.

Image: pricing chart of SE Ranking

In the “Pricing: Mangools vs SE Ranking” comparison, both tools offer a range of options to cater to different budgets and needs. Mangools provides a straightforward tiered approach, while SE Ranking offers more flexibility with its customizable plans. The best choice will depend on individual requirements, budget constraints, and the specific features users prioritize.

Pros & Cons: Mangools vs SE Ranking

Every tool has its strengths and weaknesses. By understanding the pros and cons of Mangools and SE Ranking, users can make an informed decision based on their specific needs. Let’s delve into the advantages and drawbacks of each platform.

Mangools: Pros:

  1. User-Friendly Interface: Mangools is known for its intuitive and clean design, making it easy for beginners to navigate.
  2. Specialized Tools: Each tool, like KWFinder or LinkMiner, is designed for a specific SEO task, ensuring focused functionality.
  3. Visual Data Representation: Charts, graphs, and color-coded metrics make data interpretation straightforward.
  4. Competitive Pricing: For the features offered, Mangools provides good value for money, especially for freelancers and small businesses.


  1. Limited Integrations: Mangools doesn’t offer as many third-party integrations as some competitors.
  2. Depth of Features: While the tools are efficient, they might lack the depth or granularity that advanced SEO professionals seek.

SE Ranking: Pros:

  1. Comprehensive Suite: SE Ranking offers a wide range of features, from rank tracking to website audits, all in one platform.
  2. Customizable Dashboard: Users can tailor the dashboard to highlight the metrics they care about most.
  3. Flexible Pricing: The pricing structure allows users to choose based on the number of keywords and frequency of checks, offering flexibility.
  4. White-Labeling Options: Especially beneficial for agencies, SE Ranking offers white-label reports and even a white-label platform.


  1. Learning Curve: Due to its extensive features, new users might face a steeper learning curve.
  2. Interface Complexity: While powerful, the interface can sometimes feel cluttered, especially for those used to more minimalist designs.

In the “Pros & Cons: Mangools vs SE Ranking” comparison, both tools shine in their own right. Mangools excels in simplicity and user experience, while SE Ranking offers depth and versatility. The choice between the two will hinge on individual preferences, the complexity of tasks, and budget considerations.

Alternatives: Mangools vs SE Ranking

While Mangools and SE Ranking are both formidable contenders in the SEO tool market, there are other alternatives that users might consider based on specific needs, preferences, or budget constraints. Let’s explore some of the notable alternatives to these platforms.

Alternatives to Mangools:

  1. SEMrush: A comprehensive SEO and digital marketing suite, SEMrush offers keyword research, site audits, backlink analysis, and more. Its extensive database and competitive analysis features make it a favorite among many SEO professionals.
  2. Ahrefs: Known for its robust backlink database, Ahrefs also provides keyword research, site audits, and rank tracking. Its user-friendly interface and detailed data make it a top choice for many.
  3. Moz Pro: With a focus on simplicity and user experience, Moz Pro offers tools for rank tracking, site audits, and backlink analysis. Its Domain Authority metric is widely recognized in the industry.

Alternatives to SE Ranking:

  1. Ubersuggest: Created by Neil Patel, Ubersuggest offers keyword suggestions, backlink data, and site audits. Its straightforward interface and free tier make it accessible for beginners.
  2. Serpstat: A comprehensive SEO platform, Serpstat offers keyword research, backlink analysis, and site audits. Its clustering and text analysis features set it apart.
  3. SpyFu: Focusing on competitor analysis, SpyFu provides insights into competitors’ keywords, paid ads, and backlink strategies. It’s particularly useful for businesses looking to gain a competitive edge.

In the “Alternatives: Mangools vs SE Ranking” discussion, it’s evident that the SEO tool landscape is vast and varied. While Mangools and SE Ranking offer robust solutions, platforms like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Ubersuggest bring their own unique strengths to the table. The best choice will depend on individual needs, the specific features sought, and budget considerations.

Use Cases: Who Should Use Which? Mangools vs SE Ranking

Both Mangools and SE Ranking are versatile SEO tools, but depending on specific use cases and user profiles, one might be more suitable than the other. Let’s break down who should consider using which tool based on their needs and objectives.


  1. Freelancers & Individual Bloggers: With its straightforward interface and focused tools, Mangools is ideal for those who want quick insights without a steep learning curve.
  2. Startups & Small Businesses: Companies with limited SEO budgets but needing effective tools will find Mangools’ competitive pricing and essential features a good fit.
  3. Visual Learners: Those who prefer graphical representations and intuitive dashboards will appreciate Mangools’ approach to data visualization.
  4. Niche Website Owners: For those running niche websites or affiliate blogs, Mangools provides the essential tools to optimize content and track performance.

SE Ranking:

  1. SEO Agencies: With white-label reporting and a comprehensive suite of tools, SE Ranking is tailored for agencies handling multiple clients.
  2. E-commerce Websites: The platform’s depth in keyword research and competitor analysis can be invaluable for e-commerce sites looking to rank in a competitive space.
  3. Large Enterprises: With its scalability and detailed reporting, SE Ranking caters to the needs of large organizations with extensive web properties.
  4. SEO Professionals: Those who delve deep into SEO analytics and require granular data will find SE Ranking’s detailed insights and customizable dashboard beneficial.

In the “Use Cases: Who Should Use Which? Mangools vs SE Ranking” analysis, it’s clear that both tools cater to a wide audience but shine in specific scenarios. Mangools is the go-to for simplicity and quick insights, while SE Ranking offers depth and breadth for those seeking comprehensive SEO analysis. The choice boils down to the user’s specific needs, objectives, and the scale of their SEO projects.

Conclusion/Summary: Who is the winner? Mangools vs SE Ranking

After a detailed comparison across various facets, it’s time to draw a conclusion on the Mangools vs SE Ranking debate. Both tools have carved out a niche for themselves in the SEO landscape, offering unique features and benefits. But who comes out on top?

Mangools shines in its simplicity and user-friendly approach. Its suite of specialized tools, combined with an intuitive interface, makes it a favorite among freelancers, bloggers, and small businesses. The platform’s visual data representation and competitive pricing further bolster its appeal. For those seeking quick insights without delving too deep into the complexities of SEO, Mangools is a solid choice.

SE Ranking, on the other hand, offers a comprehensive SEO solution. Its depth of features, customizable dashboard, and scalability make it suitable for SEO professionals, agencies, and large enterprises. The platform’s flexibility in pricing, white-labeling options, and extensive integrations give it an edge for users seeking a more holistic SEO tool.

So, who’s the winner?

The answer isn’t black and white. For users prioritizing ease of use and quick insights, Mangools is the winner. However, for those seeking depth, customization, and a comprehensive SEO suite, SE Ranking takes the crown.

In wrapping up the “Mangools vs SE Ranking” showdown, it’s evident that both tools have their strengths and cater to different user needs. The best choice will always hinge on individual requirements, objectives, and budget considerations. It’s recommended for users to explore trial versions of both platforms to determine which aligns best with their SEO goals.

Note: The content provided is a general overview based on typical user profiles and the tools’ features as of the last update. Individual needs can vary, so it’s always beneficial to explore each tool’s trial version or consult user reviews for more detailed insights.